Muhammad Babar Hashmi, Established in 2013 Registered with Registrar Joint Stock Companies as not for profit
Life Savors Background
Life Savors is a non-profit organization established in 2013 under Societies Registration Act XXI-1860 of Joint staff Companies, Multan. It was first established by young social and human right activists. Since then, LS has been striving to build and strengthen a peaceful, prosperous and healthy society for poor, marginalized and excluded people at local, regional, national and international level. In general, the focus of LS has been community development through improving infrastructure, service delivery and provision of clean water, peaceful and resilient environment, health and education for all. All in all, LS has geographical outreach in different districts of Southern Punjab.
A peaceful economically empowered society without discrimination with equitable access to human rights, social justice and economic resources.
We strive to build and strengthen a peaceful community capacity by empowering the poor, marginalized and excluded people to address their development needs through integration and coordination at local, regional, national and international level.
1. To empower the deprived of society, youth, women, children and farmers through education to secure their basic human rights.
2. Enhancing capacities of both male female communities and girls activists to work efficiently for sustainable development at grass root level in urban and rural areas.
3. Eradication of poverty and unemployment through providing financial services and skill development.
4. Mobilizing organizing rural and semi urban communities for collective action for development.
5. Engaging youth in social development processes through providing platforms and opportunities for their empowerment.
6. The provision of clean water, basic health and hygiene education to improve functioning of existing services through community mobilization.
7. Gender concerns and improving the role of women.
8. Providing capacity building opportunities to civil society.
9. Youth awareness program of their social responsibilities through campaigning for peace democracy and human rights.
10. Providing health care facilities in poor and marginalized communities.
11. Developing their linkages, capacity building, awareness through education, health care, livelihood projects, advocacy and training workshops.
Public Awareness
Social Mobilization
Capacity Building
Training Workshops
Networking & Linkages development
Human Dignity
Rights and Responsibilities
Equality and Equity
Peace for Rural and Urban & Communities
To capacitate youth, children, women and institutions by providing social and training opportunities and promoting voluntary actions.
To provide economic and social opportunities especially to women and youth groups.